Star Studded! Pictures from Yemi Alade’s “WOS” Album Listening/”Home” Film Premiere

Mo Abudu, Adebola Lagos, Clarion Chukwura, Frankincense Eche Ben, Omawumi, Dil, Alex Ekubo, JJC, VJ Adams, Beverly Osu, Funke Akindele, Philkeyz, DJ Coublon, V-Tek, Vimbai Mutinhiri, illBliss, Chigurl, Denrele Edun, Nancy Isime, DJ Sose, Brainee, Okon Lagos and more stormed the iMax Lekki Lagos for the album listening of Yemi Alade’s fourth studio album “Woman of Steel” and the premiere of her short film “Home”.

Hosted by the raved Chuey Chu; award-winning diva Yemi Alade screened her Clarence Peters directed film “HOME”, and received a standing ovation. Guests praised the emotive screenplay and acting, while they proceeded to an intimate album listening session with the “Woman of Steel” herself. The listening session was a fest of merriment, socialization while talking to press, media personalities and international journalists in attendance; which included an Oxford University student writing a project on Yemi Alade’s contribution of African music and pop culture.

Yemi Alade’s “Woman of Steel” album is available on all music platforms; and boasts features from multiple Grammy Award winner Angélique Kidjo and Duncan Mighty. Check out hot shots from the star-studded event!


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