‘Tale Means Business: 5 Reasons Why You Should Do More in 2019

'Tale AlimiAt the beginning of each year or towards the end of the previous year, we make plans for the new year and set goals of what we want to achieve. A couple of years ago, after setting and not achieving my goals, I quit setting goals! I decided to just focus on the moment, visualize what I want and go with the flow. That worked well for sometime as I did not feel like I was in competition with anyone and I was able to listen to my instincts. The problem with this approach was that I spent more time visualizing and creating my vision board than actually taking action. That’s when I knew that there had to be a balance and I made up my mind to find it.

Fast forward a few years later, working with our clients at Tale Alimi Global, we usually start the year setting our intentions for the year we want and creating corresponding goals.  As we work with clients, I have observed that some people are better at articulating their goals than others. However, some people are only able to articulate averagely, but once they have clarity, they do a good job executing.

Our most successful clients are ‘doers’. They massively execute the strategy we develop and achieve great results. I am big on strategic thinking and planning, but from my experience, I have to say that an average strategy with massive execution trumps a great strategy with poor execution.

If you are a planner and visualizer like me, it’s time to start doing more! And I have themed this year, ‘My year of doing’ because it reminds me of Shonda Rhimes’Year of Yes‘ and because I spent the last year exploring and visualizing.

To encourage us (yes we are in this together) to do more, I came up with five reasons why we should execute more this year.

The more you do, the more you know how to do
The sickness of planners is trying to create ‘perfection’. You want to spend all the time looking at various options, doing scenario planning and projecting outcomes. However, all this is theory… until you start doing! I spent almost six months agonizing over the title and content of my next book. I would go on long runs, get inspiration about titles and a few days later I would begin to doubt its relevance. After going round in circles for too long, I put my foot down in October and decided to start writing. Surprisingly, the more I wrote, the more I had a better sense of direction.

So stop agonizing and trying to get things perfect and watch the months fly by. Start doing and more clarity and ideas would come to you.

Execution is a cure for self doubt
Another curse of perfectionists is self doubt. You never feel good enough to do what you know in your heart you are meant to do. Or you tell yourself you don’t have the resources or the time to do it. I was speaking to my team member some weeks ago about leading a segment at our year end event and I noticed she was hesitating.  When I asked her why, she said she did not think she was qualified to stand before the calibre of people we were expecting. I immediately debunked her self doubt and told her about my mentor in my Social Impact fellowship in the US who was a decade younger than me.

I told her to just do it and she did a great job that created a positive atmosphere at the event. When you begin to doubt yourself , don’t dwell on it, get up and execute. The more you execute something, your self doubt disappears and you become more confident in your self.

When you execute, you make your own luck
How many times have you looked at people and thought how lucky they are? Most times the so called ‘lucky’ people are busy executing on something. If you have been waiting for a lucky break and it doesn’t seem to be coming, maybe it is time to get up and execute so you can make your own luck. Yesterday, I saw a news headline that Kim Kardashian was expecting another baby. As I read the news, I realized that the Kardashians are always busy doing something – from having new babies, to starting beauty companies. They are making their own luck by executing.

This is the year to make your own luck. If you want to create a multimillion business, start grinding.

Execution builds your focus
You need focus to execute. When you decide to execute, you cut out distractions. When I decided to start writing my new book, I started blocking out time and cutting out things that might distract me like excessive social media watching the lives of other people who were executing.

Execution is what brings dreams to life
My favorite past time is imagining and day dreaming. My imagination has 3D capacity! I like to see things in my mind first because I believe creativity starts internally before it manifests externally. However, after you are done dreaming, you have to take some action to see the dream come to life. If you have been seeing yourself as a millionaire in your dreams, or married to the person of your dreams, then make it a reality by taking action to bring your dreams to life.

Now that I have themed this  ‘Our Year of Doing’, I am determined to lead by example. Some of the things I will be doing includes finishing up my new book before the end of Q1 and I am co-founding a new company to address the milestone funding challenges that a lot of small businesses face.

If you are a small business that has had funding challenges, please fill this survey to help us understand your needs better. And if you have an interest in investing in small businesses, please fill this survey, so we will also understand your requirements.

I want us to hold ourselves accountable to our year of doing, so let’s connect on Instagram so that as I share my progress, you can also share yours with me.

Let’s start doing!

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