Dealing With Spiritual Oppression

My greetings to you all dear people of God.
Welcome to another edition of my enriching faith articles.
Its nice having you here.

We will be discussing spiritual oppression and how to deal with it.

Before we delve into the topic,let me state here that questions,constructive criticisms and additions are welcomed.
Also, bear it mind that the aim and intention of this message is to edify the body of Christ and bring clarity on the subject matter but not to put fear in our minds. In view of that I won't be going too deep into the topic.

In my rich experience as a Healing minster in the Charismatic renewal, 70% of deliverance cases I had handled in the ministry are mostly cases bothering on spiritual oppression.
Many children of God are passing through one oppression or the other (of which in most times they don't know it).

Now let's quickly define it.

Oppression is simply defined as keeping somebody or something in subjection or in hardship.
When your life is placed under limitation, then some oppressive forces are at work.
When there is something in your life that makes you feel depressed,its most likely oppressive forces are at work.

The Scriptures made us to understand that Christ died for us,so that we might have life and have in FULL.

Spiritual oppression is a serious problem that can leave one in perpetual misery if not tackled headlong.

That is why the scriptures says in 1John 3 :8 "............the son of God was revealed for this purpose,to destroy the work of the devil."

Mind you, we are not talking about POSSESSION yet. When a person is said to be possessed by an evil spirit, it means that the body,soul and spirit are dominated by that evil spirit.

Now, this is where it gets more interesting.
As a Child of God, filled with the Holy Spirit,it is not possible for you to be possessed by evil spirit BUT, you can suffer from one oppression or the other.

When a person is under oppression, it comes with some attendant problems such as strange illness,poverty, spiritual weakness, Failure, stagnancy and in extreme cases suicide.

How do you know you are under oppression?

The following questions can help you discover the truth.

• Do you have constant sex in the dream?(especially with same person).

• Do you eat constantly in the dream? (Not when you are physically hungry before you slept).

• Do you have an insatiable thirst for alcohol?

• Do you have inferiority complex?

• Do you feel spiritually dry?

• Do you always feel you are being pressed down in your sleep?

• Are you always confused or afraid when its time to take important decisions in your life?

• Do you find it difficult to remember important things?

• Do you read about faith or hear faith talks but find it difficult to believe?

• Do you have irrational fears?

• Do you know the right thing to do but find it difficult to do so?

• Do you always feel the compulsion to steal?

• Do you always keep to yourself without any explicable reason?

If yes, to all or any of the above then you need spiritual help.

I understand that some Christians don't like discussing satanic activities either out of fear or spiritual ignorance.

Hosea 4:6 says " our people perish because they lack knowledge ".

I had encountered many Christians who argued that Christ died once and for all(which is very true) for our sake and had delivered us from the bondage of Satan and sin, so going for deliverance or praying for deliverance to them is out of place.

If you belong to this category, bear it in mind that Matthew 11: 12 says " since the time of john the Baptist till now,the Kingdom of God suffers violence but only the violent takes by force. "

Again in 1 peter 5:8 says " Be sober, be on the watch, for our enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour"

Further more, in Acts 13: 4 -12, a certain magician called Elymas, a false prophet who was with a prominent Government official tried to prevent the official from listening Paul's message until paul brought the full wrath of God upon him and he became blind.
That is how a Child of God should act.

The Devil and his agents has never stopped doing evil and so we the Children of God cannot afford to sleep,snore away and live passively as if nothing is happening.

You have to stop them( the devil and his agents) before they stop you.
You have to waste them( Evil spirits) before they waste you.

As a Child of God, you have to stand your ground and fight your way out using the weapons God has given you as contained in Ephesians 6: 10 -18.

What is the way out of spiritual oppression?

• Break the evil spiritual chain or link.

• Destroy the yoke of limitation. Isaiah 10:27

• Break and revoke every curse,spell, enchantment, hex and incantations against you.

• Carry out a spiritual cleansing of your home, office,business or personal effects.

• Do away with voodoo, witchcraft and occultic objects in your possession.

• Do away with sexual immorality and orgies.

For you to be able to do all these and overcome, you need to COMPLETELY surrender to JESUS CHRIST.
Then you engage in aggressive prayer warfare.
Constantly studying the word of God.
You can approach the brethren or your pastor to help you out too.

People of God,this is where I will be wrapping it up for today.
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