Who Is A Dayooth (Cuckold) Man?

A Dayyooth man is a cuckold who approves indecency committed by the women under his guardianship and is not jealous with regard to their honor. Men who do not have (Gheerah) protective jealousy over their wives, sisters & daughters are Dayyooths & prohibited from Jannah!

Cuckoldry (Diyaathah) is a major sin in Islam, because of the report narrated by al-Nasaa’i (2562) from ‘Abd-Allah ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “There are three at whom Allah, may He be glorified and exalted, will not look on the Day of Resurrection: the one who is defiant towards his parents, the woman who imitates men, and the cuckold.”

Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Nasaa’i.

One who lacks gheerah; one who does not care if (non mahram) men approach his wife, mother, sister or daughter. A dayyooth is prohibited from entering Paradise (Recorded by Ahmad)

“Three people will not enter paradise, and Allaah will not look to them on the Day of Judgement: the one who is disobedient to his parents, the woman who imitates men and the ad-Dayooth.” (Ahmad)

Ibn al-Qayyim, rahimahullaah, said, “And the dayyooth (the man with no jealousy over the woman and his family) is the most vile of Allah’s creation, and Jannah is forbidden for him, (because of his lack of Gheerah-jealousy). A man should be “jealous” with regard to his wife’s honor and standing. He should defend her whenever she is slandered or spoken ill of behind her back. Actually, this is a right of every Muslim in general but a right of the spouse specifically. He should also be jealous in not allowing other men to look at his wife or speak with her in a manner which is not appropriate.

Some men deliberately allow and encourage their wives to dress up knowing full well other men will look at her. Perhaps because they’re proud of their wife’s beauty which in itself isn't a bad thing because it shows hes pleased with her because shes beautiful but that doesn't mean to say he should show her off because that is prohibited in Islam. Rather he should encourage her and also his female relatives such as his mum, sister, or daughter to cover up and dress in a way that is pleasing to Allaah and not for the rest of society.

All Muslim males are to do their best in protecting the honor of the lady under their guardianship. Parents are advised to inculcate the proper dressing in their female kids especially while she's young. And they are to lead by example. Brothers and Husbands should advise their sisters and wives in the best possible way to dress appropriately using the right Hijab & not to mingle/mix with strange men!

May Allaah grant us understanding and grant us Jannah.
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