Good Friday: It Is Finished

Today is the day of remembrance for the suffering, the unimaginable agonizing and excruciating pains Jesus went through to save the world from the pangs of devil. His last words on the cross was 'IT IS FINISHED' ’the finished work on the cross was the beginning of new life for all who were once “dead in trespasses and sins” but who are now made “alive with Christ” (Ephesians 2:1, 5).

He was dragged with chains around his neck and legs like a beat,spat on,violently slapped and marched with iron boots, brutally flogged with leather cords laced with pieces of broken glasses, leads,bones and these alone would have drained much of Jesus’ blood. His flesh torn into pieces as he was beaten with reckless abandon. A crown of thorns was forcefully pressed into His scalp, His head was beaten with sticks and vivid accounts has it on record that he was blinded in one eye by the shattered glass on the leather whip.

We cannot even fathom the pain of crucifixion. Metal spikes were driven into Jesus’ hands and feet, and He had to slide His mangled body up against the wood of the cross in order to catch His breath. And because it was the habit of Romans to crucify criminals Unclad, Jesus endured the ultimate shame. What's more, He hung on that crude cross next to two men who had been convicted of crimes while He was completely innocent.

Even after Jesus took His last breath, a soldier jabbed a spear up through the chest cavity most likely to make sure Jesus was dead. John tells us that blood and water spilled out (John 19:34), evidence that the spear pierced the pericardium, the sac around the heart. Jesus’ heart was literally broken for us.

With the finished work on the cross of Calvary, there is now no condemnation for those who believe in Jesus and everyone who believes in this finished work on the cross of Calvary now have the opportunity to live forever in great grandeur, like kings and royalties with Christ Jesus in a new world created by GOD only for those who believe.

Happy good Friday.
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